SIM (Serving in Mission) is a global mission organization, supported by 4000 workers from 88 nationalities and serving the purpose of our Lord Jesus in 70+ countries. Called by the Lord Jesus to make disciples of Christ in communities where He is least known, the New Gen Mobiliser, a new position in SIM Singapore is conceived to mobilize New Gen to fulfill this calling.
Support needed to assist in the administration for the Singapore team such as:
o Updating of Data bases
o Follow up on enquiries
o Disseminating information of events and managing the responses
o Logistics support for events
o Arrangement for travel and itinerary for short term team
o Processing applications of missionary applicants
Volunteer are not require to commit to full time day work and can assist from the comfort of their home.
Those who felt led by God to answer His call for involvement with SIM East Asia please write to