Invitation to SIM 131st Anniversary Celebration and getting to know our newly appointed International Director Phil Baumann

Dear Partners, and Supporters of SIM,
SIM would be celebrating the 131st anniversary of its founding which started in Soudan Africa. Through the wise counsel of our founding fathers and leaders, it has expanded its reach to 70+ nations with 4000+ workers. We rejoice and give thanks to our God who has guided us in fulfilling His mission with the vision that: Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God's good news, we believe that He has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known.
The celebrating theme for the 131st Founder’s Day is “Stronger Together”. We recognize that it is through partnership and collaboration with friends like you, many other agencies and supporting Churches that we can accomplish our Purpose and Mission.
On this special occasion, we are thankful that our newly appointed International Director Phil Bauman will be joining us and share his vision for SIM in this new era to accomplish the Great Commission.
Rev Dr David Wong and other mission leaders will also address the importance of forging strong partnership for missions. We would like to invite you to join us in this celebration.
Date : 29 November 2024
Time : 6:30 - 9:00 PM (Singapore time)
Venue : Bible House, 7 Armenian St, Singapore 179932
Tel : +65 6298 3611